IMG-20140314-WA0016La Unitat de Trastorns de l’Aprenentatge Escolar (UTAE), que pertenece al Servicio de Neurología del Institut Pediàtric Sant Joan de Déu, organizó, con motivo de su 10º Aniversario, unas jornadas para tratar el tema del tratamiento farmacólogico y no farmacológico del TDAH.

Para ello contaron con una ponente excepcional, la Dra. Susan Young, del Imperial College of London, que supo amenizar su charla con un par de ejercicios prácticos como éste que veis en la fotografía. Parece simple: se trataba de mantener en el aire sin que tocaran el suelo y tanto tiempo como fuera posible unas pelotas de playa.

Tarea harto difícil a menos que los participantes dialogaran previamente entre ellos, se pusieran de acuerdo, elaboraran una pequeña lista de normas, fueran todos a la una en cuanto a las decisiones a tomar y limaran sus pequeñas diferencias.

Me quedo con ese mensaje, tan simple como útil para la vida en general.

Gracias también a Toni, el técnico que nos asistió durante el acto, por su amabilidad y eficiencia durante toda la jornada.

(Español) Intérprete de conferencia: una mañana en Catalunya Ràdio

IMG-20140224-WA0005 (1)Si hi ha una periodista amb qui m’agrada col.laborar és amb Mònica Terribas. M’agrada perque sap combinar un posat seriós i professional amb grans dosis de proximitat, tendresa, humor i calidesa humana. Em resulta una persona propera perque hem coincidit molt sovint, ja fos a TV3 en entrevistes durant el programa La nit al dia, durant les reunions del Consell Editorial del Diari Ara i avui durant El matí de Catalunya Ràdio,  el programa que dirigeix en substitució de Manuel Fuentes.

No és que la Mònica necessiti traducció, ni molt menys. Parla un anglès impecable, perfeccionat segurament durant el seu doctorat per la Universitat de Stirling, Escòcia. Però tot i que és més que capaç de fer les entrevistes directament en anglès, de cara als oients s’ofereix el servei de traducció simultània. Sempre és un repte. És rápida, precise, concise and to the point. Un veritable priviliegi traduir-la. Voleu sentir una mostra?

La trobareu en aquest enllaç:

(Español) Por la puerta grande

Silvia Palá Intérprete

Silvia Palá Intérprete

I can tell this is going to be a good year: after giving life to a world-famous architect, to several directors of the Escuelas Pías and to an Augustinian nun from the Democratic Republic of Congo, today I have been assigned a special task. And despite the fact that it was Sunday, despite the fact that it was 8 o’clock in the morning, I took the train to Barcelona with great enthusiasm. It is not every day that I have the opportunity to play someone of the human and professional standing of Vivianne Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship…

By way of introduction

Silvia Palá Intérpretes has more than 30 years’ experience in advising a wide range of clients so that you can count on the best interpreting teams for your event, not only providing the interpreters you need to ensure smooth communication, but also coordinating all the technical aspects that will make your meeting a success.

We make your needs our own and attend to them with as much care as if it were a personal project.

Entries in this blog do not reveal any confidential information, it is public information or information to which the person/company involved has given their consent. We are not a large multinational.

We are not a big multinational. We are your corner grocery store.

Some of the questions we are frequently asked:

This is a hybrid event, some speakers will be in the room and others will be online to give their presentation. IS THIS POSSIBLE? YES

There is not enough space to set up the booth, but we need interpretation. IS IT POSSIBLE? YES

The booth is not in the same room as the event, IS IT POSSIBLE?

The speaker does not stay for the whole event, but leaves after delivering his lecture. We would like to adjust the budget, IS THIS POSSIBLE? YES

I do not understand why we need two interpreters if there will only be one speaker. I would like someone to explain this to me. IS IT POSSIBLE? YES

We have never organised a remote meeting. We don’t know where to start. IS IT POSSIBLE? YES

We don’t yet know the number of attendees who will need interpretation. We’d like to finalise it a few days before the event. IS IT POSSIBLE? YES