Conference interpreter during the IX Jornada Ambiental Torres

With the slogan “Money is coming from Europe, will it help to break the current passivity in the face of climate change?”, this year’s edition of the conference brought together a dozen experts with the aim of analysing how European funds could unblock climate inaction.

Representatives of the different administrations were present to explain the strategies and action plans against climate change.

The closing speech was given by the rector Joan Guàrdia, Miguel A. Torres, president of Familia Torres, and the meteorologist and professor of physics at the UB, Tomàs Molina.



Conference interpreter during the presentation by Alistair Woodwards on climate change and health

According to Alistair Woodward, Head of Epidemiology at the University of Auckland, the rise in greenhouse gases already has serious health consequences.

This expert in public health and climate change visited Barcelona invited by the Catalunya Europa Foundation and BBVA. On the one hand, there are the direct effects, as a consequence of heat waves or floods, and of those natural systems that spread contagious diseases more easily in high temperatures. We also find, indirectly, social disturbances, such as migratory movements caused by droughts.

Finally, we have the effects of our actions to reduce climate change. And also the effects of our actions to reduce climate change. Right now the challenge is to find good policies for both the climate and health.


Conference interpreter during the 7th Environmental Conference organized by Torres

Once again, the University of Barcelona has hosted the 7th Environmental Conference organized by Torres.

Once again on climate change. This time to analyse in detail the gap between science and awareness.

It is clear that climate change is scientific evidence that society continues to ignore. We heard the bittersweet presentation by Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, from the Earth & Life Institute in Leuven, Belgium, who spoke of “Climate change: 10 important facts, 10 possible solutions”. The first fact and the one that sums it all up, and which should make us think: There is no planet B.


Conference interpreter during the e-Health Conference, European Commission

El pasado viernes 17 de febrero tuvo lugar en Barcelona la jornada sobre e-Health: visión europea, soluciones locales, que fue inaugurada por el Conseller de Salud de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Antoni Comín.

Es un hecho que las nuevas tecnologías están cambiando nuestra vida tal y como la conocíamos. La aparición de internet supuso el inicio de una revolución que poco a poco ha ido penetrando en casi todos los sectores de la sociedad, modificando nuestra forma de relacionarnos. Las redes sociales, los blogs, los canales de vídeo, las compras por internet, los smartphones o las Apps, nos permiten tener acceso a una gran cantidad de información y servicios que antes no teníamos. El término e-health está de moda, y seguramente muchos os preguntaréis qué es exactamente.

Pues la e-Salud (eHealth en su terminología en inglés) es el término que define el conjunto de Tecnologías de la Inofrmación y la Comunicación (TICs) que, a modo de herramientas, se emplean en el entorno sanitario en materia de prevención, diagnóstico, tratamiento, seguimiento y gestión de la salud, a fin de evitar costes al sistema sanitario y mejorar su eficacia. Engloba diferentes productos y servicios para la salud, como aplicaciones móviles, la telemedicina, los dispositivo wearables (para la monitorización que se integran en ropa y accesorios), el Big Data, los sistemas de apoyo a la decisión clínica, el internet de las cosas o los videojuegos de salud, entre otros.

Pero si existe la E-Salud o E-Health, también existe el E-Paciente, que son aquellas personas que utilizan las nuevas tecnologías para saber más sobre sus dolencias y estar mejor informados. Este tipo de usuarios utiliza los buscadores para investigar sobre los temas que le interesan, es asiduo a los blogs de medicina en los que encuentra tratamientos novedosos o participa en foros relacionados donde solicita la opinión de otros. El resultado es un paciente que acude a su médico con un mayor conocimiento de si mismo, con la idea de participar y ser tenido en cuenta, eliminando de un plumazo la antigua relación unidireccional médico – paciente. A los médicos les toca escuchar, argumentar y solventar las dudas de estos nuevos E-Pacientes más preparados y más activos, ya sea en la consulta como a través de las redes sociales. Teóricamente la eSalud supondrá una transformación radical de la sanidad, por lo que se está trabajando para garantizar la eficacia y seguridad de sus sistemas, a fin de que los profesionales sanitarios estén preparados y los datos proporcionados por los dispositivos de monitorización puedan integrarse en la asistencia sanitaria. Con cual de estas dos imágenes os identificáis más?   1 - copiaGPI

Ocean acidification and warming in the Mediterranean Sea

baixaThe sea is where all life on planet Earth began.

There was a time when the oceans were considered so vast and inexhaustible taht man would never be able to affect them.

But years of overfishing, pollution and hábitat destruction have forever changed that image.

And now, we are even altering the very chemistry of the sea…

150% increase in the acidification in our seas and oceans by the year 2100!

The European Mediterranean Sea Acidification in a changing climate (MedSeA) initiative is a project funded by the European Commission under Framework Program 7.  It involves 22 institutions (including 6 associated partners) from 12 countries.

MedSeA assesses uncertainties, risks and thresholds related to Mediterranean acidification at organismal, ecosystem and economical scales. It also emphasizes conveying the acquired scientific knowledge to a wider audience of reference users, while suggesting policy measures for adaptation and mitigation that will vary from one region to another.

The story of this “our sea”

patín de vela

When I was requested to inaugurate and close the 4th Congress on the Maritime History of the Mediterranean Network, I felt like one of the luckiest women on the planet. A congress in one of my favourite museums? The Maritime Museum of Barcelona? This museum housed, among other temporary exhibitions, one that was dedicated to the sailing Patin, with photographs that closely followed the history of the Catalan Patin from its origins till its most evolved form today. Characteristically, it has neither rudder nor board, those indispensable elements for sailing. Its features make it ideal for plying coastlines.

The congress looked at sailing from another point of view, that of the “big vessels”. We listened to Carlos Martínez Shaw, who with “A Complete History of the Sea and its Shores” delighted the audience in the opening speech with a review of this “Our Sea Mare Nostrum”, giving us the keys to understanding the growth of trade and navigation through time. Truly a pleasure.


Something more than a weather man

tomás molina

Tomás Molina is more than just the most famous weather man in our country. He has a degree in Physics from the University of Barcelona. He is the head of the weather forecasters of channel TV3, senior meteorologist of the SAM (Audio visual Meteorological Services), and presenter of “The Weather” in TV3, 3/24 and La Nit al Dia.

Well versed as well as active disseminator in issues related to climate change and environmental risks, he holds, among others, the post of interim chairman of the Climate Broadcasters Network of Europe.

Over the years he has participated in the Environmental Conferences organised by the University of Barcelona and Bodegas Torres. Today we assessed the chemical state and the quantity of subterranean water in Catalonia, technologies related to the management of slurry and finding a use for water from polluted aquifers. It was a pleasure to hear his dynamic presentation once more.

And thank you Tomás for offering to take a photograph with me to promote my blog!