Conference interpreter during the audit carried out by the FDA at Vall d’Hebron Hospital.

This week Silvia Palá Intérpretes coordinated interpreting services for the FDA in an audit on good clinical practices, although we have experience in GMP, GLP, GDP and GCP.
How do we prepare?

1) We familiarise ourselves with the audited drug by reading the protocol in English.

2) We also familiarise ourselves with the audited drug by reading the Spanish protocol.

3) We compare both versions and elaborate a bilingual glossary.

4) We assist the auditor in the review of the documentation and interviews with the personnel involved.



Conference interpreter during the FDA audit at Laboratorios Almirall

Silvia Palá Intérpretes has a team of interpreters specialised in FDA inspections of pharmaceutical laboratories.

These are exhaustive, meticulous, highly specialised audits, in which the interpreter’s linguistic competence, knowledge of the pharmaceutical sector, experience in previous FDA audits, as well as their know-how, flexibility and ability to adapt to situations that are constantly changing during the course of their work are essential.



Conference interpreter during the audit on inland and rail transport of animal feed

Silvia Palá Intérpretes has a team of interpreters specialised in GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices) for companies involved in road and rail freight transport.

These are exhaustive, meticulous, highly specialised audits, in which the interpreter’s linguistic competence, knowledge of the logistics sector, experience in previous audits related to Good Manufacturing Practices, as well as his or her know-how, flexibility and ability to adapt to situations that are constantly changing during the course of his or her work are essential.