Conference interpreter during the presentation of Eric Besnier’s film ‘Las cosas sencillas’.

Las cosas sencillas tells the story of Vincent, a stressed and busy businessman, who one day breaks down in the middle of a mountain road. Pierre, a lonely country man, stops and offers to help him. This apparently insignificant encounter will be a turning point in their lives.

It will be the beginning of a friendship in which they will discover, as the title points out and the prologue of the film insists, that they compare the overflow of modern life with the relaxing landscapes of nature, what are the important things in life. Despite their opposing views of life and their opposing temperaments.

As the director states, we all live in a continuous tension between the current pace that engulfs us with its day-to-day life and the idealisation of the contemplative and tranquil life. And in the middle ground, as always, lies the virtue. Not forgetting, of course, the fundamental question: Are we happy?



Conference interpreter during the session in the Congress of Deputies

Since September 2023, as announced by the President of the Congress of Deputies, Francina Armengol, during her first speech minutes after being elected, the Congress of Deputies has been offering an interpretation and transcription service for the co-official languages, for cases in which parliamentarians express themselves in Catalan, Galician or Esukera.

In this regard, we have been able to contribute to the current team of congressional interpreters on two days, the first during the Science, Innovation and Universities Committee held on the 19th of March and the second during the Constitutional Committee during the Appearance of the Minister of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory, held on the 20th  of March, as well as the respective replies of the parliamentarians.

It was a pleasure to be part of this experience for the first time and we look forward to many more occasions!



Conference interpreter during Maria Montessori training course

Silvia Palá Intérpretes has collaborated with us by offering our interpreting services during the teacher training course so that teachers can follow and apply Maria Montessori’s teaching method.

Maria Montessori was a physician, educator, psychiatrist and philosopher, as well as a humanist, activist, feminist, Italian suffragette and devout Catholic. She became one of the first female doctors in Italy. Later as an educator she became known for her educational philosophy Maria Montessori, and her writings on scientific pedagogy.

Her educational method is used today in many public and public schools around the world.



Conference interpreter during the press conference on Alphonse Mucha at Palau Martorell

Silvia Palá Intérpretes coordinated the presentation services for the press conference on the Czech artist Alphonse Mucha, the protagonist of the new exhibition at the Palau Martorell.

Alphonse Mucha was one of the leading exponents of Art Nouveau, and this exhibition is the result of the most recent research examining the theoretical aspect of Mucha’s work, especially the idea of beauty, the central principle of his artistic practice.

The exhibition consists of more than 80 pieces, including his famous posters dedicated to the divine Sarah Bernhardt, commercial objects with his unmistakable designs, as well as photographs and preparatory drawings of his works.

The exhibition is curated by the expert Tomoko Sato, and is organised by the Palau Martorell in collaboration with the Mucha Foundation.



Conference interpreter during the Focus Digital Symposium

Silvia Palá Intérpretes coordinated the interpretation services for Talking Galleries-Focus Digital, a discussion programme on the intersection between art and technology.

The two-day event was a special edition of Talking Galleries, and took place in the Meier Auditorium at Macba in Barcelona. As a platform specialising in analysis and reflection in the art sector and with the aim of promoting and participating in the most current debates, Talking Galleries introduced a programme of round tables and conferences on the intersection between art and technology, in order to debate how technology is transforming artistic creation at different levels.

The result has been a highlighting of the rich ecosystem of digital innovation in Barcelona, favouring a space of connection with the visual arts sector, a conference that has managed to bring together key professionals from the digital creativity sector in the city, and also from abroad.



Conference interpreter during the audit carried out by the FDA at Vall d’Hebron Hospital.

This week Silvia Palá Intérpretes coordinated interpreting services for the FDA in an audit on good clinical practices, although we have experience in GMP, GLP, GDP and GCP.
How do we prepare?

1) We familiarise ourselves with the audited drug by reading the protocol in English.

2) We also familiarise ourselves with the audited drug by reading the Spanish protocol.

3) We compare both versions and elaborate a bilingual glossary.

4) We assist the auditor in the review of the documentation and interviews with the personnel involved.



Conference interpreter during the debate ‘’Being a woman in Afghanistan‘’.

The Sala Francesc Tarafa is located in a building on Carrer Corró in Granollers.

It housed the old medieval hospital of Santo Domingo, with a Gothic structure, built by Bertran de Seva between the 14th and 15th centuries. It was inaugurated by King Alfonso XII and provided health services until 1844.

The current building conserves the Gothic structure of the old hospital, a rectangular space covered with wooden beams and two stone arches that support the gable roof.

In 1926 it was remodelled by Joaquim Cepillo, who converted it into a library, decorating the interior with plant motifs and modernist stained glass windows. At the back of the nave there is a space covered with a pointed vault, which was recovered during the refurbishment. It also conserves the stone doorway with a semicircular arch.



Conference interpreter during the FDA audit at Laboratorios Almirall

Silvia Palá Intérpretes has a team of interpreters specialised in FDA inspections of pharmaceutical laboratories.

These are exhaustive, meticulous, highly specialised audits, in which the interpreter’s linguistic competence, knowledge of the pharmaceutical sector, experience in previous FDA audits, as well as their know-how, flexibility and ability to adapt to situations that are constantly changing during the course of their work are essential.



Conference interpreter during the international day of remembrance of Holocaust victims

Every year around 27 January, UNESCO pays tribute to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and reaffirms its commitment to combat anti-Semitism, racism and all other forms of intolerance that may lead to acts of violence against certain groups of people.

The 27th of January commemorates the liberation in 1945 by Soviet troops of the Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. This date was officially proclaimed International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust in November 2005.

For this reason, Silvia Palá Intérpretes coordinated the interpretation services for the day organised by the University of Barcelona, during a dialogue between art curator Vered Glickman, director of the Hebrew Language Centre of the Israelite Cultural Institute of Budapest, followed by a dialogue with urban artist Roc Blackblock.