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ART & LANGUAGE: The artists!
In 2010 the French collector Philippe Méaille deposited at MACBA his private collection of works by Art & Language: more than 500 pieces of very different types – paintings, drawings, sculptures, installations, documents, writings, typescripts, annotations, microfilms, maquettes and publications- leading us to reconsider the role of writing in the practice of art.
After four years of study, documentation and restoration, the Museum presents the exhibition Art & language Uncompleted, The Philippe Méaille Collection, which brings together an exceptional selection of works by this collective, many of which will be on exhibition for the first time.
The conversational, discursive and essayistic form that characterizes the production of Art & Language, unbroken to this day, is now continued through the participation of Michael Baldwin andMel Ramsden, and it’s been a pleasure to meet them again four years later!
Opening: Today, 18th of September, at 8pm
Dates: 19th September 2014 -12th April 2015
Goodbye summer!!!
Goodbye summer…
Left behind us are the flower carpets of Corpus that you made your entry on, going out in canoes, evenings with the cousins, the arrival of Luna, our cat, the Greek suppers dressed up in white, the fireworks and the magic on St John’s day, the performances of the Colla Jove, human tower builders, of Sitges, evenings spent surfing at the club, tea with the cousins, the procession of Our Lady of Carmen, the coves of Begur, late afternoons with grandpa and grandma in Sitges, the hours with granny, sailing with Las Sirenas, choosing the beauty queen of the Colla Jove of Sitges, spells with friends in the garden, days in the Cerdanya, the end of summer festival, barbecues with our friends…
Goodbye summer… come back soon! There’s so much to celebrate with you!
4th international congress of history and cinema
Iniciamos temporada, después de un largo período de descanso estival, con el IV Congreso Internacional de Historia y Cine: Memoria histórica y cine documental, organizado por la Facultad de Geografía e Historia de Barcelona y por el Centre d’Investigacions Film-Història.
Si bien es cierto que el pasado está vinculado a una facultad individual que puede alterarse e incluso desaparecer al mismo tiempo que lo hacen sus protagonistas, no es menos cierto que el registro fílmico puede tener una vida eterna, porque las películas, sean estas documentales o de ficción, avivan y recuperan la memoria para constituir un poderosos relato que configura a su vez nuestra visión del pasado.
Es en esos caminos e intersecciones, por los que transitan las diferentes imágenes, voces y textos que podemos entender la historia que nos precede.
Interesantísima, entre otras, la ponencia del Sr. Magí Crusells, “Franco, protagonista del NO-DO?” y anticipamos ya un excelente resumen del congreso con la Conferencia de clausura “Història, Testimoni, Relat i Implicació: la problemática en la representació de la memoria col.lecitva”, a cargo de Maria Dolors Genovès.
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