Conference interpreter at Jeff Wall’s press conference on his work: “Una ciutat desconeguda sota la boira”

Silvia Palá Intérpretes has been providing interpreting services at the conference “Una ciutat desconeguda sota la boira”. This event focused on a fascinating photographic project by Jeff Wall on present-day Barcelona, as seen from the peripheral neighbourhoods that emerged from the post-war wave of migration.

The project seeks to be part of a local tradition of photographic projects on urban processes since the Olympic period, offering a critical and civic perspective that understands photography as a counter-discourse to advertising. The periphery of Barcelona, historically a territory of innovation and emerging trends, is the focus of this initiative, which is presented as a significant document for understanding the evolution of the city in the current decade.

Divided into thirteen commissions, the project encompasses both cross-cutting approaches that cut across several neighbourhoods and specific case studies. The approaches range from topographical to social perspectives, providing a comprehensive and diverse view of urban dynamics.



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I have been working as a simultaneous interpreter since 1992, and my very first assignment was none other than the Barcelona Olympic Games. I was proud to be part of such a historic event, as it allowed me to combine my passion for both sports and my profession.

In my early years, I found myself wanting to be every professional whose world I entered from the interpreting booth. Enthralled by the excitement of the athletes representing us, I dreamed of becoming an Olympic sailor. Another day, I returned home determined to be the best coach. A respected pediatric surgeon. The most efficient orthodontist. A renowned publishing director. A stairlift manufacturer. A high-fashion model. A driver on the new metro line. An actress, a sculptor. A nurse. A President of a board of directors.

I quickly realized that pursuing so many professions, no matter how fascinating they seemed, would be impossible. Instead, I chose to embrace the privilege of giving voice to the remarkable individuals I have had the honor of interpreting for, carrying a piece of each one with me.

I cannot deny that every client I have worked with has left a lasting impression on me, enriching both my personal and professional growth.