By way of introduction

Silvia Palá Intérpretes has more than 30 years’ experience in advising a wide range of clients so that you can count on the best interpreting teams for your event, not only providing the interpreters you need to ensure smooth communication, but also coordinating all the technical aspects that will make your meeting a success.

We make your needs our own and attend to them with as much care as if it were a personal project.

Entries in this blog do not reveal any confidential information, it is public information or information to which the person/company involved has given their consent. We are not a large multinational.

We are not a big multinational. We are your corner grocery store.

Some of the questions we are frequently asked:

This is a hybrid event, some speakers will be in the room and others will be online to give their presentation. IS THIS POSSIBLE? YES

There is not enough space to set up the booth, but we need interpretation. IS IT POSSIBLE? YES

The booth is not in the same room as the event, IS IT POSSIBLE?

The speaker does not stay for the whole event, but leaves after delivering his lecture. We would like to adjust the budget, IS THIS POSSIBLE? YES

I do not understand why we need two interpreters if there will only be one speaker. I would like someone to explain this to me. IS IT POSSIBLE? YES

We have never organised a remote meeting. We don’t know where to start. IS IT POSSIBLE? YES

We don’t yet know the number of attendees who will need interpretation. We’d like to finalise it a few days before the event. IS IT POSSIBLE? YES

Conference interpreter in the dialogue of “Redefining gender on screen”

Silvia Palá, a performer at the conference, had the privilege of participating in the session where Krishna Istha, scriptwriter of ‘Sex Education’, talked with filmmaker Lucia G. Romero about how this series has challenged gender stereotypes on screen and redefined contemporary storytelling.

In this experience, we explored how ‘Sex Education’ has become a leading example of authentic representation, setting new standards and benchmarks in the entertainment industry. We looked at the importance of creating content that reflects diversity and celebrates the uniqueness of all groups and individuals.



Conference interpreter at the inaugural conference of the AIDIPE 24 Congress

On Wednesday 19 June at 16:00, the Paraninfo of the University of Barcelona, located at Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585, was the venue for the inaugural conference of the XXI International Congress on Educational Research and Innovation – AIDIPE 2024. Dr. Hilary Bradbury, founder and director-curator of the AR+ | Action Research Plus Foundation, was the keynote speaker at this important academic event.

Hilary Bradbury, known for her influence in the global action research community and her role as editor-in-chief of the Action Research Journal, brought her innovative approach to “Action Research for Transformations” (ART). With a PhD in organisational psychology and academic experience at institutions such as Case Western, USC and OHSU, Hilary shared perspectives on the integration of evolutionary reflexivity and social learning as drivers of change in education and beyond.

The event brought together academics, researchers and education practitioners interested in exploring new strategies and solutions to contemporary challenges of sustainability and inclusive education. Throughout the three days of the conference, discussions, roundtables and presentations promoted knowledge exchange and collaboration among attendees.



Lecture interpreter at the annual conference “Memorias Subalternas” at the UB

Over the centuries, people with disabilities have faced discrimination, stigma and even systemic extermination. From ancient civilisations to modern societies, the narrative of disability has often been marked by exclusion, relegation and suppression.

To address this issue, the European Observatory of Memories (EUROM) of the Solidarity Foundation and the University of Barcelona, with the collaboration of Historians without Borders, the support of the Barcelona City Council and the co-financing of the European Union’s CERV Programme, are organising the international conference “People with Disabilities, Towards Inclusion”. Admission is free, but prior registration is required.

This is the third edition of the annual conference “Subaltern Memories”, which EUROM has been promoting since 2022 to discuss memories related to social groups that have been systematically marginalised and silenced.



Conference interpreter at Jeff Wall’s exhibition at MACBA

Renowned Canadian artist Jeff Wall presents his latest work at the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (Macba). This piece recreates a pivotal moment in Juan Marsé’s novel “Últimas tardes con Teresa”, capturing Hortensia, aka ‘la Jeringa’, in a decisive phone call.

Using the “tableau vivant” technique, Wall creates detailed and meaningful scenes. Collaboration with researcher Jorge Ribalta has been essential to recreate the details with precision, fusing literary research with artistic practice.

Wall’s exhibition at Macba pays homage to Barcelona’s rich literary heritage, demonstrating the power of art to reinterpret reality. The work will be permanently on display at Macba and at the Carmel-Juan Marsé library, challenging and redefining the boundaries of contemporary photography.



Conference interpreter at Jeff Wall’s press conference on his work: “Una ciutat desconeguda sota la boira”

Silvia Palá Intérpretes has been providing interpreting services at the conference “Una ciutat desconeguda sota la boira”. This event focused on a fascinating photographic project by Jeff Wall on present-day Barcelona, as seen from the peripheral neighbourhoods that emerged from the post-war wave of migration.

The project seeks to be part of a local tradition of photographic projects on urban processes since the Olympic period, offering a critical and civic perspective that understands photography as a counter-discourse to advertising. The periphery of Barcelona, historically a territory of innovation and emerging trends, is the focus of this initiative, which is presented as a significant document for understanding the evolution of the city in the current decade.

Divided into thirteen commissions, the project encompasses both cross-cutting approaches that cut across several neighbourhoods and specific case studies. The approaches range from topographical to social perspectives, providing a comprehensive and diverse view of urban dynamics.



Conference interpreter at the “Curs Lenin: Lennin i el concepte d’estat”

Michael Brie is a social philosopher at the Institute for Critical Social Analysis of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in Berlin. His research focuses on the theory and history of socialism, the socio-ecological transformation of modern societies and strategic questions of the left in the crisis of neoliberalism.

Silvia Palá interpreters have been at his lecture and debate on 13 June in which he spoke about the vision and application of the socialist state of Lenin, the famous leader of the Soviet Union and predecessor of Stalin.




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I have been working as a simultaneous interpreter since 1992, and my very first assignment was none other than the Barcelona Olympic Games. I was proud to be part of such a historic event, as it allowed me to combine my passion for both sports and my profession.

In my early years, I found myself wanting to be every professional whose world I entered from the interpreting booth. Enthralled by the excitement of the athletes representing us, I dreamed of becoming an Olympic sailor. Another day, I returned home determined to be the best coach. A respected pediatric surgeon. The most efficient orthodontist. A renowned publishing director. A stairlift manufacturer. A high-fashion model. A driver on the new metro line. An actress, a sculptor. A nurse. A President of a board of directors.

I quickly realized that pursuing so many professions, no matter how fascinating they seemed, would be impossible. Instead, I chose to embrace the privilege of giving voice to the remarkable individuals I have had the honor of interpreting for, carrying a piece of each one with me.

I cannot deny that every client I have worked with has left a lasting impression on me, enriching both my personal and professional growth.