Conference interpreter during the audit carried out by the FDA at Vall d’Hebron Hospital.

This week Silvia Palá Intérpretes coordinated interpreting services for the FDA in an audit on good clinical practices, although we have experience in GMP, GLP, GDP and GCP.
How do we prepare?

1) We familiarise ourselves with the audited drug by reading the protocol in English.

2) We also familiarise ourselves with the audited drug by reading the Spanish protocol.

3) We compare both versions and elaborate a bilingual glossary.

4) We assist the auditor in the review of the documentation and interviews with the personnel involved.



Conference interpreter during the debate ‘’Being a woman in Afghanistan‘’.

The Sala Francesc Tarafa is located in a building on Carrer Corró in Granollers.

It housed the old medieval hospital of Santo Domingo, with a Gothic structure, built by Bertran de Seva between the 14th and 15th centuries. It was inaugurated by King Alfonso XII and provided health services until 1844.

The current building conserves the Gothic structure of the old hospital, a rectangular space covered with wooden beams and two stone arches that support the gable roof.

In 1926 it was remodelled by Joaquim Cepillo, who converted it into a library, decorating the interior with plant motifs and modernist stained glass windows. At the back of the nave there is a space covered with a pointed vault, which was recovered during the refurbishment. It also conserves the stone doorway with a semicircular arch.



Conference interpreter during the motivational talk by Alex Roca

Silvia Palá Intérpretes has the opportunity to work with some very special people. For some time now we have been accompanying Alex Roca and M. Carmen Maza in their motivational talks entitled ‘You set the limit’, @NIKE

Alex is an example of life and self-improvement, and it is an honour to be part of their team.



Conference interpreter during the FDA audit at Laboratorios Almirall

Silvia Palá Intérpretes has a team of interpreters specialised in FDA inspections of pharmaceutical laboratories.

These are exhaustive, meticulous, highly specialised audits, in which the interpreter’s linguistic competence, knowledge of the pharmaceutical sector, experience in previous FDA audits, as well as their know-how, flexibility and ability to adapt to situations that are constantly changing during the course of their work are essential.



Conference interpreter during the international day of remembrance of Holocaust victims

Every year around 27 January, UNESCO pays tribute to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and reaffirms its commitment to combat anti-Semitism, racism and all other forms of intolerance that may lead to acts of violence against certain groups of people.

The 27th of January commemorates the liberation in 1945 by Soviet troops of the Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. This date was officially proclaimed International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust in November 2005.

For this reason, Silvia Palá Intérpretes coordinated the interpretation services for the day organised by the University of Barcelona, during a dialogue between art curator Vered Glickman, director of the Hebrew Language Centre of the Israelite Cultural Institute of Budapest, followed by a dialogue with urban artist Roc Blackblock.



Conference interpreter during the audit on inland and rail transport of animal feed

Silvia Palá Intérpretes has a team of interpreters specialised in GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices) for companies involved in road and rail freight transport.

These are exhaustive, meticulous, highly specialised audits, in which the interpreter’s linguistic competence, knowledge of the logistics sector, experience in previous audits related to Good Manufacturing Practices, as well as his or her know-how, flexibility and ability to adapt to situations that are constantly changing during the course of his or her work are essential.




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I have been working as a simultaneous interpreter since 1992, and my very first assignment was none other than the Barcelona Olympic Games. I was proud to be part of such a historic event, as it allowed me to combine my passion for both sports and my profession.

In my early years, I found myself wanting to be every professional whose world I entered from the interpreting booth. Enthralled by the excitement of the athletes representing us, I dreamed of becoming an Olympic sailor. Another day, I returned home determined to be the best coach. A respected pediatric surgeon. The most efficient orthodontist. A renowned publishing director. A stairlift manufacturer. A high-fashion model. A driver on the new metro line. An actress, a sculptor. A nurse. A President of a board of directors.

I quickly realized that pursuing so many professions, no matter how fascinating they seemed, would be impossible. Instead, I chose to embrace the privilege of giving voice to the remarkable individuals I have had the honor of interpreting for, carrying a piece of each one with me.

I cannot deny that every client I have worked with has left a lasting impression on me, enriching both my personal and professional growth.