The Councillor for Home Affairs, Joan Ignasi Elena, opened the conference ‘From Citizen Security to Cybersecurity. 25 years of security surveys’ with the aim of celebrating the 25th anniversary of the first public safety survey in Catalonia, reviewing not only its editions, but also the other specific surveys that have been designed and carried out (school coexistence, male violence, sexual violence and safety of the elderly), making an assessment of expectations and realities.
Councillor Elena stated that ‘security surveys help to complete the objective data that is known and to better interpret criminal acts in order to reflect on the evolution of society and to evaluate the security policies of the different public administrations’. “Our goal is to make the country safer and to make citizens perceive security.
Silvia Palà Intérpretes has had the pleasure of coordinating the simultaneous interpretation service in English, French and Catalan, with the participation of a good group of international speakers.